Science, asked by manishdevda1234, 10 months ago

Breaking down of rocks by the action of wind and climate is called
a. Weathering
b. Soil vegetation
c. Cultivating
d. Percolation
3. The water holding capacity is highest in
a. Sandy soil
b. Clayey soil
d. Mixture of sand and loam
c. Loamy soil
4.In addition to the rock particles, the soil contains
a. Air and water
b. Water and plants
C. Organic matter, air and water
d. Water, air and plants

5.The removal of land surface by water, wind or ice is known as
a. Erosion
b. Weathering
C. Percolation
d. Retention
6. The soil containing greater portion of big particles is called
a. Sandy soil
b. Loamy soil
c. Clayey soil
d. Bricks
7. Water can drain easily through
a. Sandy soil
b. Loamy soil
c. Clayey soil
d. Bricks
8. The type of soil suitable for growing paddy is
a. Sandy soil
b. Loamy soil
C. Clayey soil
d. Bricks
9.Which one among these is not the cause of soil erosion?
a. Wind
b. Water
C. Cutting of trees
d. Afforestation​


Answered by smartGuccibaby


2) Rocks are hard and strong, but they do not stay that way forever. Forces like wind and water break down rocks through the processes of weathering and erosion. Weathering is the process that breaks down rocks. Many things cause weathering, including climate changes. ... They are part of a process called the rock cycle.

3) In general, the higher the percentage of silt and clay sized particles, the higher the water holding capacity. The small particles (clay and silt) have a much larger surface area than the larger sand particles. This large surface area allows the soil to hold a greater quantity of water.

4) In addition to the rock particles, the soil contains: air and water. water and plants. minerals, organic matter, air and water.

5) Erosion, removal of surface material from Earth's crust, primarily soil and rock debris, and the transportation of the eroded materials by natural agencies (such as water or wind) from the point of removal. ... erosionWater, wind, glaciers, and gravity all can change the land through the processes of erosion.

6) If soil contains greater proportion of big particles it is called sandy soil. If the proportion of fine particles is relatively higher, then it is called clayey soil. If the amount of large and fine particles is about the same, then the soil is called loamy.

7) Large particles that are loosely spaced, such as sand or silt, allow water to move through the soil and drain quickly. Types of soil that drain most readily include sandy, silt and a mixture of sand, silt and clay called loam.

8) Rice is a tropical plant that requires sufficient water to grow well. ... Silt clay, silt clay loam and clay are some of the soil textures that are best for rice farming. Fertile riverine alluvial soil is best for rice cultivation.

9) Soil erosion occurs when the weathered soil particles are dislodged and carried away by wind or water. Deforestation, agricultural development, temperature extremes, precipitation including acid rain, and human activities contribute to this erosion. Humans speed up this process by construction, mining, cutting of timber, over cropping and overgrazing. It results in floods and cause soil erosion.

Answered by Anonymous

Hey mate here is your answer..

2) Weathering

3) Clayey soil

4) Organic matter, water and air

5) Erosion

6) Bricks

7) Sandy soil

8) Loamy soil

9) All of these..

Please mark as brainliest

Hope you appreciate my efforts....

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