English, asked by deepak6677, 10 months ago

2. Choose the corvoet word from the brackets to complete the sentences
(a) Ho did not
(waste, waist) even a single minute
(advise, advice)
She gave me a cood piece of
(boside, besides) me
(c) My sister was sitting
(coarse, course) domn.
(c) These bags were made from
(die, dyo) one day
fe) Everyone has to
(0 The
(flour, lloor) was covered with marble slabs.
(gaol, goal) for two months
(a) He was sent 10
(heal, heel)
He took medicine so that his wound could
(cattle, kelle)
The water had boded in the
of medicino. (dose, doze)
@ The doctor gave him a
Yeacher's Signature​


Answered by apar83


waste,advice, besides ,course, die flour,gaol,heel,kelle,dose,


please add me in brainliest

Answered by pkalirawan82


Answer is:-

1:- Waste

2:- Advise

3:- Besides

4:- Course

5:- Die

6:- Floor

7:- Gaol

8:- Heel

9:- Kettle

10:- Dose


Hope it helps.☺️

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