2. Compare and contrast an average Indian farm and an average farm in the USA with respect to their size, type of agriculture, machinery and other inputs, level of technology, transport and storage facilities. answer in 100 word.
More than 500 million smallholder farmers provide 80 percent of the food for communities in Asia, Africa, and South America. Owning small plots of land where they can typically only harvest one or two crops, smallholders can lack the resources needed to support their families and communities.
These farmers face unique challenges that require tailored solutions. At Bayer, we want to empower more than a 100 million smallholder farmers in developing
India and USA have basic difference in the agriculture area. It is basically due to the fact that in USA there was shift of labour from the agriculture toward the manufacturing and service sector due to the consecutive development of the other sectors and job creation. Whereas in India these is lack of proper job as well as lack of skill due to the illetracy and vocational training.
Indias agriculture is of susbstinece basis where the crops are grown for own use and little is spares for market.Whereas commercial farming is prevalent in the USA which is capital intensive with major work is mechanised with minimal use of labour.
Productivity of indian agriculture is low due to small farm size, traditional equipment, lack of infrastructural inputs as well as