2.compare different types of microprocessor families like 400,8085,8078 and 8086.
Answer: Differences between 8085 and 8086 microprocessor
In the changing world of technologies, the devices used are also changing. Let us take a look at the changes between 8085 series of microprocessors and 8086 series of microprocessors.
1 The data bus is of 8 bits. The data bus is of 16 bits.
2 The address bus is of 16 bits. The address bus is of 20 bits.
3 The memory capacity is 64 KB.Also 8085 Can Perform Operation Upto 2^8 ie. 256 numbers. A number greater than this is to taken multiple times in 8 bit data bus. The memory capacity is 1 MB.Also 8086 Can Perform Operation upto 2^16 ie. 65,536 numbers.
4 The input/output port addresses are of 8 bits. The input/output port addresses are of 8 bits.
5 The operating frequency is 3.2 MHz. The operating frequency is 5 MHz, 8MHZ,10MHZ.
5 8085 MP has Single Mode Of Operation. 8086 MP has Two Modes Of Operation.
1. Minimum Mode = SingLe CPU PROCESSOR
2. Maximum Mode = Multiple CPU PROCESSOR.
6 It not have multiplication and division instructions. It have multiplication and division instructions.
7 It does not support pipe-lining. It supports pipe-lining as it has two independent units Execution Unit (EU) and Bus Interface Unit (BIU).
8 It does not support instruction queue. It supports instruction queue.
9 Memory space is not segmented. Memory space is segmented.
10 It consists of 5 flags(Sign Flag, Zero Flag, Auxiliary Carry Flag, Parity Flag, Carry Flag). It consists of 9 flags(Overflow Flag, Direction Flag, Interrupt Flag, Trap Flag, Sign Flag, Zero Flag, Auxiliary Carry Flag, Parity Flag, Carry Flag).