Narrate about a journey to a mysterious island. Describe what you saw there and
how you spent your days.
Title: Lost on a tropical island!
I woke up to the feeling of waves crashing on feet. I
opened my eyes in shock. I was on a beach on a tropical
island. I didn’t know how I got here, all I could
remember was being lost at sea with my brother. My
brother where exactly was he. I was worried, where was
he, what if he had fallen off the boat during the storm
and drowned. I got up and brushed most of the sand off
me. I looked around, suddenly I saw some footprints
going towards a forest. I followed them hoping that they
were my brothers.
It felt like I had been walking for hours. I was
starved, I looked up to the sky with a groan. Then I saw
something by the corner of my eye. It was a banana tree,
I ran towards it and skidded to a stop. I latched my arms
around it, and pushed with my legs. It only took about 5
minutes before I was at the top. I grabbed tree bananas, I
threw the bananas down to the ground then slid down
the tree. When I got down I ate two of the bananas, and
saved the other one for later. It was getting late so I laid
down and went to sleep.
I was awaken by the sound of a crackling fire. I
opened my eyes, there was my brother sitting by a fire
eating my last banana.”Hey! That’s mine” I said jokingly I
got up and ran to him I gave him a big hug. ”never leave
me again, I was so worried” I said. “I missed you too sis”
said Lauren. After our chat we went further into the
woods to look for a nicer spot.
We walked until what we assumed was dinner time.
Lauren went to try and get some fruit and, I looked for
some berries. I found a big bush full of blue berries, there
was just one problem; I had nothing to bring them back
with. I looked around then I saw a plant that was shaped
like a bowl. I picked it from the ground and started
picking the berries .after the bowl plant (as I called it) was
filled I headed back to the spot we had picked out. Lauren
was already there, he had some dragon fruit and bananas.
Lauren had also collected some fire wood, so I assumed
we were staying here for a while. We made a fire and ate
This was a really nice spot there was a small waterfall
with a lot of fish (which we only realised after dinner) it
had big trees for shade and a nice sandy spot to have a
fire pit. I went into the woods to get a stick that we would sharpen to use a harpoon as a tool to kill a fish ..