Enumerate and illustrate the digestion, absorption and utilization of food
in our body
The complete process of digestion, absorption, and utilization of food in our body is as follows:
Digestion process:
• The complex food particles are breakdown into simple smaller particles in the mouth. Then this food moves down the food pipe into the stomach.
• In the stomach, the food mixes with gastric juices converts into a thin soup-like consistency.
• The partial digestion of food takes place in the stomach only.
• Partially digested food enters into the small intestine. Hear the digested food break down into proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.
• After that, the simple substances of food are reached into the bloodstream.
Absorption process:
• The absorption takes place in the small intestine. Undigested food enters into the large intestine and it is thrown out of the body through the anus.
• The digested food moves into the bloodstream after absorption.
Utilization of food:
• The blood circulating entire the body so the nutrients reach every cell of the body and perform specific functions in the cell.
• The absorbed food further undergoes chemical changes and stored in a complex form in our body.