2. Explain the meaning of the line: 'Their stillness answering his cry
3. Who was the one man left awake'?
4. Write the words and phrases from the poem that describe
the silence of the house and its surroundings.
5. Descrihe nature as seen through the noet's eyes
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these, the final lines of the poem, the speaker for the first time explicitly acknowledges the poem's reader, addressing us with “Ay,” stepping outside the story, in a sense, and creating a clear distance between the perspective of the speaker and the Traveller. Arguably, the speaker here adopts something more like the perspective of the Listeners: the entire quartet is about sound, but the only verbs are ascribed to the Listeners (“they heard”) and the “silence” which “surge[s]”.
In this way, the ending of the poem leads us to question whether the Traveller is, in fact, the hero and center of this narrative, or if his arrival is merely a blip, a brief disruption, in the silent world of the Listeners.
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