2. Given three resistances of 30 ohm each. How can they
be connected to give a total resistance of (1) 90 ohm
(in) 10 ohm (iii) 45 ohm ?
(Ans (1) in series (ii) in parallel (iii) two
resistances in parallel and one in series)
in this way we can connect the resistors to get the desired resultant resistance..

All the three resistances are equal.
R1=R2=R3=30 ohm.
(1)The resistors will be connected in series to give the total resistance as 90 ohm.
When the resistors are connected in series, the net resistance is calculated as:
When there are n resistances of equal value connected in series,
90 ohm=3x30 ohm.
Thus they should be connected in series.
(2)The resistors will be connected in parallel to give the total resistance as 10 ohm.
When there are n resistances of equal value connected in parallel,
10 ohm=30/3 ohm.
Thus they should be connected in parallel.
(3The two resistors will be connected in parallel and the third in series.
Rp-resistors connected in parallel
Rs-resistor in series
Rp=30/2 ohm
Rp=15 ohm.
Rs=30 ohm.
Rnet=(15+30) ohm
Rnet=45 ohm.
Two resistors in parallel and the third in series will give the net resistance as 45 m.