2. Go to the local library or talk to older persons in your locality and find legends in your own language. Tell the class these legends!?
i dont know better you please read your text
a) Friends, every evening I go to play in thepark. Our society has Rajasthani people,Punjabi people, Jats of Haryana . Each dayMr Gehlot who is very friendly with childrenunopens certain legends. One such legendis on Rajasthan's abandoned villages. It isthe home to Kuldhara Village. Many peopleleft the village because it had damagedmany homes. A legend goes by saying thatthe ruler of the region wished to marry thedaughter of the village chief. The insecurityof women was a serious issue and manymen and women left their homes over night.Apparently it is said that whoever wishes tostay on would meet their death. The script isin Rajasthani language.b) Not long ago Delhi would fear on theexistence of a Monkey Man. He would siton the parapet walls late in the evening.The Monkey Man is a utopian character andpeople describe him as a hairy creature whowas close to six feet tall with shining redeyes, and a helmet. Each day the peoplewould get up to hear a new version of thestory. The police got into action and saidthat it was an imaginary story with less truth.The newspapers carried this story in variouslanguages including Hindi, Bengali, Englishand Gurmukhi.c) In 2017 Delhi, Palwal and Sonepat heardon a black cat which came and cut the hairlocks of women in the house. Sheer panicgripped in the society since it had happenedin many houses. The cat came through thewindows and disappeared on its own. Thestory till date is largely remembered. Todaythis mysterious story is often rememberedby people of all ages.