Sociology, asked by Assispal, 1 year ago

2. How can an educated girl change the status of her family ​


Answered by khushi9944

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Answered by Indian001


Educated Girl,Educated Family

"An educated boy can change his future,but an educated Girl can change the fortune of the whole family".As said the role of education is really very significant for the future of anyone but for a girl it also plays a keen role in the future of her own family too. A girl with her education can change the situation of his family socially and economically by doing job and earning money as well as respect through her job. now a days we can see near by many girls winning medals in sports, glamour, science and defence too. Any job is not herculean for a girl these days. Gone are the days when girls are just for household chores, in this in this era of interplanetary missions and sustainable development girls are not effectively managing only their job but also their relationships either it be with their parents or friends. their role is significant in the making of the world,as their presence is about 50% in the total world population. hence this 50% must be encouraged and supported by the society and the family to excel in the careers of their own choice.

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