2. Identify the symptoms from the gives plant diseases

1. Rust disease: 1. Pale leaf spots eventually develop into spore-producing structures called pustules.
2. The pustules are found most commonly on the lower leaf surface and produce huge numbers of microscopic spores.
3. Pustules can be orange, yellow, brown, black or white.
2. Citrus canker: It includes brown spots on leaves, often with an oily or water-soaked appearance. The spots (technically called lesions) are usually surrounded by a yellow halo, and they can be seen on both the upper and lower sides of the leaf. Similar symptoms can appear on fruit and stems.
3. Mosaic disease includes irregular leaf mottling (light and dark green or yellow patches or streaks). Leaves are commonly stunted, curled, or puckered; veins may be lighter than normal or banded with dark green or yellow.