Indian weddings are a very exaggerated affair. Recently, this has become even more of
a trend. Nowadays, the weddings are a way to show-off of a person's wealth. You went
to such a wedding in your neighbourhood. Record your experience of attending such
a wedding for the first time in your diary in 100-150 words with the help of following
There’s not much else that excites a foreigner in India quite like the thought of attending a Big Fat Indian Wedding.
Ask any visitor to India to share their must-have experiences and I’m almost certain that attending an Indian wedding would appear in the top three. We want to learn about all the fascinating traditions, we want to dance to the best Hindi wedding songs, we want to dress up in Indian clothes, we want to taste the magnificent spread of food and we want to understand just how a wedding can last three days!
The invitation came from a female cousin of my friend from London. My friend had connected the two of us when I first moved to India and although we had good intentions of meeting up, we hadn’t yet gotten around to doing so. So when she sent me a message saying, “I’m getting married next week and I’m inviting you for it” — after my initial reaction of jumping up and down with excitement I was touched to have received an invite despite never having met her face to face. And yet again I am reminded of the warmth and welcoming nature of India.
Sensing that I was way more excited than I probably should have been, she told me that it was going to be a small affair and said that unlike weddings in other states this was going to be relatively low-key. South Indian weddings, she explained, are a lot more ‘serious’ and tend to take place during the day so I shouldn’t expect a grand celebration.
She also confided that her husband-to-be’s parents would not be coming. I hesitated to ask why but quite openly and matter-of-factly she explained to me that they did not agree with their marriage. Upon study of her astrological sign, the parents had found her to be an unsuitable match for their son