2. It is said that the Early Nationalists helped to establish the Indian National Congress and brought the enlightened Indians into its fold. In this context, answer the following questions:
(a) How did the Early Nationalists popularise the ideals of democracy among the people? (b) How did the Early Nationalists expose the hypocrisy of the British?
(c) Mention two points of criticism levelled against the Early Nationalists.
a) They also trained people in politics by popularising the ideas of democracy, civil liberties, secularism and nationalism. The Early Nationalists did pioneering work by exposing the true nature of British rule in India. They made the people realise the economic content and character of British imperialism
b) Early nationalists like Dada Bhai Naoroji played an important role in exposing the true nature of the British rule. ... The Early nationalists criticised the British rule in newspapers, journals and magazines. They wrote and edited newspapers criticising the unjust policies of British.
c) In spite of their role as the most progressive force of the time, the Early Nationalists received widespread criticism over their lack of success. They were treated with contempt by their British rulers and their demands were not fulfilled.