. 2. 'Let me take the spade and work awhile for you,'said the Tsar.
(Narration Change)
3. He received none but common folk. (Affirmative)
4. The warriors were the most necessary. (Comparative and
5. The hermit listened to the Tsar but answered nothing. (Convert
into a Simple sentence)
6. They all answered his questions differently. (Use the adjective
7. Others declared that it was impossible to decide that. (Identify
the Subordinate clause)
- 8. Only thus everything could be done at its proper time. (Omit
9. He just spat on his hand and recommenced digging. (Simple
10. You are tired. (Voice change)
Answers with adequate explanations:
2. The Tsar requested to let him (T) take the spade and work awhile for him/her. (let→request)
3. He received only common folk. (none but→only)
4. Com. : The warriors were more necessary. (competitive form of adj.)
Pos. : The warriors were necessary. (positive form of adj.)
5. Despite listening to Tsar, the hermit answered nothing. ( when coordinating conjunction is but , use despite/in spite of for simple and Though -in first- for complex)
6. They all answered him different questions. (In this sentence, different is, in actual, an adverb which indicates the mood and manner of verb accomplishment. If you want to add an adverbial phrase from different, it will be : They all answered his questions in different. But when want an adjective, different will precede questions then.)
7. it was impossible to declare that. (The declaration is the major point of this sentence and what is about declaration is its being impossible. )
8. In no way but thus everything... ( Here only implies the way of execution. So, we can use in no way but which stands for the same meaning only means.)
9. Spiting on his hand, he recommended digging. (When coordinating conjunction is and , use v+ing of the verb of the subordinate clause, then in the first of second clause use subject.)
10. Something made you tired.