English, asked by saurabhtile, 7 months ago

2)mary is a good housewife (Add question tag)​


Answered by manya1711



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Answered by pragyathakur263


Question tags are nothing but just a confirmation that the speaker seeks from other person, he is talking to, even though he knows what he is asking is true. Let me explain. Suppose I am talking to you. I have no idea what kind of person you are. If I ask you “Are you clever?” you might reply; “yes” or “no”. But think about the case where I literally feel that you are clever. Now I would not ask you like “Are you clever?”, rather I would say “You are clever, aren’t you?” Here, it’s just a formality because I know that you are clever. This ‘aren’t you’ is nothing but a question tag.

If the sentence is positive, then the question tag will be in negative form. Ex: If the sentence is “He is good.” Then the question tag will be “isn’t he?”

If the sentence is negative, then the question tag will be in positive form. Ex: If the sentence is “He is not good.” Then the question tag will be “is he?”

Scenario No. 1

अगर वाक्य सकारात्मक है, तो question tag नकारात्मक होगा। अगर वाक्य है “He is good.” तो question tag होगा “isn’t he?”

If the sentence is positive, then the question tag will be in negative form. Ex: If the sentence is “He is good.” Then the question tag will be “isn’t he?”

पंकज अच्छा है, है ना ? Pankaj is good, isn’t he ?

पिंकी अच्छी लड़की है, है ना ? Pinki is a sweet girl, isn’t she ?

तुम पागल हो, नहीं क्या ? You are mad, aren’t you ?

मैं बुरा हूँ, है ना ? I am bad, am I not ?

वो खुश था, नहीं ? He was happy, wasn’t he ?

हम दुखी थे, है ना ? We were sad, weren’t we ?

मेरे पास पैसे हैं, नहीं ? I have money, haven’t I ?

पापा के पास कुछ है, है ना ? Father has something, hasn’t he ?

उसके पास किताब थी, नहीं क्या ? He had a book, hadn’t he ?

तुम स्कूल जाते हो, है ना ? You go to school, don’t you ?

राम स्कूल जाता है, है ना ? Ram goes to school, doesn’t he ?

वो खेल रही है, है ना ? She is playing, isn’t she ?

तुमने ताजमहल देखा है, है कि नहीं ? You have seen the Taj, haven’t you ?

वो स्कूल जायेगा, है ना ? He will go to school, won’t he ?

तुम वहाँ गये, है कि नहीं ? You went there, didn’t you ?

मैं आया था, है कि नहीं ? I had come, hadn’t I ?

बस चली गयी होगी, है ना ? Bus will have gone, won’t it ?

वो सो रहा होगा, है ना ? He will be sleeping, won’t he ?

तुम अकेले जा सकते हो, है कि नहीं ? You can go alone, can’t you ?

मुझे जाना चाहिए, क्या कहते हो ? I should go, shouldn’t I ?

ये प्यार है, है ना ? It is love, isn’t it ?

Scenario No. 2

अगर वाक्य नकारात्मक है, तो question tag सकारात्मक होगा। अगर वाक्य है “He is not good.” तो question tag होगा “is he?”

If the sentence is negative, then the question tag will be in positive form. Ex: If the sentence is “He is not good.” Then the question tag will be “is he?”

राम अच्छा नहीं है, है क्या ? Ram is not good, is he ?

तुम पागल नहीं हो, हो क्या ? You are not mad, are you ?

मैं पागल नहीं हूँ, हूँ क्या ? I am not mad, am I ?

वो खुश नहीं था, था क्या ? He was not happy, was he ?

हम दुखी नहीं थे, थे क्या ? We were not

hope it will help you....

be happy.....

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