2. Match the statements in Column A, with those in Column B.
Calumn B
Column A
(a) Surface tension
(i) The smallest unit of an element.
(ii) The smallest unit of a matter.
(b) Cohesive force
(c) Atom
(11) The force of attraction between similar kind of molecules.
(d) Molecule
(iv) The force of attraction between different kinds of molecules.
(v) The phenomenon due to which exposed (top) surface of a liquid in a vessel be- (e) Adhesive force
haves like a stretched membrane.
(1) Concave
(vi) The formation of curved surface by the exposed surface
of a liquid contained in a narrow vessel.
(g) Melting
(vii) The meniscus formed by mercury.
(h) Meniscus
(vii) The meniscus formed by water.
(i) Convex
(ix) The force exerted per unit area on the sides of liquid
containing vessel.
() Liquid pressure
(x) The change in state from solid to liquid.
2. Match the statements in Column A, with those in Column B.
Calumn B
Column A
(a) Surface tension
(i) The smallest unit of an element.
(ii) The smallest unit of a matter.
(b) Cohesive force
(c) Atom
(11) The force of attraction between similar kind of molecules.
(d) Molecule
(iv) The force of attraction between different kinds of molecules.
(v) The phenomenon due to which exposed (top) surface of a liquid in a vessel be- (e) Adhesive force
haves like a stretched membrane.
(1) Concave
(vi) The formation of curved surface by the exposed surface
of a liquid contained in a narrow vessel.
(g) Melting
(vii) The meniscus formed by mercury.
(h) Meniscus
(vii) The meniscus formed by water.
(i) Convex
(ix) The force exerted per unit area on the sides of liquid
containing vessel.
() Liquid pressure
(x) The change in state from solid to liquid.
I have answer mark me brilliant