2 minute speech on indian democracy
The word ‘democracy has its roots in the Greek term ‘demokratia,’ meaning ‘rule by the people’ (demos means ‘people’ and kratos means ‘rule’.) It is a political system in which people not monarchs (king or queens) or aristocracies (like lords) rule.
Theodore Parker defines it as ‘government of all the people, by all the people and for all the people’. Seymour Lipset (1960) gives a working definition of democracy as ‘a political system supplying regular constitutional opportunities for changing the government by allowing the population to choose between alternative sets of policy makers’
Democracy is a type of social system in which everyone has an equal share of power. In large complex societies, however, it is impossible for every citizen to be involved in the political process. Thus, when we refer to ‘democratic’ power structure, we mean those structures in which people are allowed to vote for elected representatives.
Most societies that describe themselves as political democracies are actually representative democracies in which citizens elect politicians who actually hold and exercise political authority. Pure democracy is quite rare. This is because the definition of ‘everyone’ always excludes some portion of population.