English, asked by shuklayashi035, 1 month ago

2 na
Harry's birthday was never celebrated, as he lived with his uncle, aunt and their son and
they loathed him) Harry's parent was dead when he was one and so he was always a
burden to Dursley family he was living with
1. Who was Harry? What was his full name?
2. Why was Harry's birthday never celebrated?
Who was he living with?
4. When did Harry's parent die?
5. Write the meaning of 'loathed'.​


Answered by earyan2004

1. Harry Potter a wizard

2. They didn't care about him and lived in their basement

3. He was living with his Aunt, Uncle, an cousin (the Dursley family)

4. 1981 by *You-Know-Who*

5. Feel intense dislike or disgust for

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