Hindi, asked by tseries12345678901, 1 year ago

2. निम्नलिखित का आशय स्पष्ट कीजिये। (30-40 शब्द ) (6)
क. “ बुनियाद ही पुख्ता न हो तो मकान कैसे पाएदार बने । “
ख. “ जैसे मौत और विपत्ति के बीच भी आदमी मोह और माया के बंधन में जकड़ा रहता है , मैं फटकार खाकर भी खेलकूद का तिरस्कार नहीं कर पाता था । ”


Answered by triloksinghgaur


Hasan buys two kinds of cloth materials for school uniforms,shirt material that costs him Rs50 per metre and trouser material that costs him Rs90 per metre. For every 2 metres of the trouser material he buys 3 metres of the shirt material. He sells the materials at 12%and 10% profit respectively. His total sale is Rs36,660.How much trouser material did he buy?

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