2. Narrate an incident about taking part in the school's 'sports day? Use the following points to write your paragraph- When was the sports day? What event did you participate in?
Every school celebrates its Sports Day and, to this all, the children very longingly look forward to. My school the abc international School also has its Sports Day every year sometime in the month of april.
The month of april is earmarked for the occasion, as, at this time, the weather is congenial for a long span of games on the field. When this day is about to come, there appears to be a lot of activity in the entire school premises as take lime. Avocado so there is a lot of overtime beyond the scheduled hours of routine work.
Weeks before the Sports Day, children start giving their names for different events, and then, after the school hours, practices start. The children, who do not participate in any events, get other duties of the like of making relevant charts, making lists of games and participants