2) observe the flowers in your sustounding and classify them into unisexual and biserual? Mention the process skill?
Calcium oxychloride is the molecular formula of bleaching powder. Bleaching powder is used as a cleaning agent, disinfectant and also as bleaching agent.
It's quite easy. All you need to do is collect the flower u wish to observe remove the petal.
which will allow u to see the female part,
Gynoecium ring that is part consisting of stigma and ovary
As well as the male part Androcieum ring made of anther and pollen grains
If u find both of them in a single flower like Hibiscus then it is Bisexuals consisting of both the sexes.
If u find either just the female or just the male part in one flower Like Papaya it's Unisexual
Unisexual:- presence of one sex in a single flower. Or u can say male and female parts are in separate flowers.
Bisexual:- presence of both the sexes in same flower.