English, asked by nitubanwal440, 4 months ago

2. Read the following page carefully and make note making on it, using heading and sub

heading Supply an appropria title

Men who have died the way of an el ger things about their social life
in ancient days men kept slaves to work for them. so also some ants naid the homes
of other an, and making puves, bring them back to their own nests and compel
dhem to work for their aptor An, indeed, are by no means the only inhabitants of
antes nets. We are told that sevend hundreds of other small creatures, such as bedes
and crickers, make their home with ants. Some of these creatures are useful to the ants
the nest and do other duties, while others seem to be mere bounder and
do nothing for their keep Why the and allow them to say no one knows. It sheer
pood nature ? Ants, we are told. play panies. They nune their sick, bury their dead
and see that everyone does its share of the work, and that no one is allowed to be laxy
All this seems to show that ants have some form of reasonable government. A
celebrated naturalist sells how he captured an ant and covered it with a piece of day to
chat only is head showed. For some time the lirde captive was not discovered, then
one of a fellow ants found out what had happened and tried to set it free. But this
as proved too much for one ant and very soon it hurried away, to return in a few
minutes with a dozen companions who at once set to work and in a very short time
set the captive free​


Answered by Anonymous

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