English, asked by bukharisyedazka, 7 months ago

2. Read the following poem carefully
I hear leaves drinking rain
Thenr rich leaves on top
Giving the poor beneath
Drop after drop
Tis a sweet noise to hear
These green leaves drinking near
And when the sun comes out.
After this rain shall stop.
A wondrous light will fill
Each dark, round drop,
I hope the sun shines bright,
*T will be a lovely sight' -WH. Davies
On the basis of the reading of the poem, answer the following questions in brief:
1. What idea is being conveyed by the expression 'leaves drinking rain"?
2. Why are the leaves on the top called rich?
3. What is meant by the expression "Drop after drop"?
4. When does bright light spread everywhere?
5. What are the two adjectives used in the poem for leaves?


Answered by nagendra1879


Sorry not know the answer

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