English, asked by ss3260069, 7 months ago

2. Read the given conversation & choose the language function for the underlined sentence :
Student : May I come in Sir?
Teacher : Yes, you may.
() Permission (d) Gratitude
(a) Request
(b) Greeting​


Answered by ashking0087


it's permission.

As we are asking for an action to be happen.

Gratitude means being thankful.

greetings you may know

Request also means asking but you can figure out difference by identifying requesting words such as, please,etc.

Answered by deepanshu67892


(I) Permission

The indirect speech for a sentence containing modals such as ‘may, will’ etc. can be formed by changing ‘may’ into ‘could’ instead of ‘might’. This is because, here a permission is asked. Also, it is an ‘yes/no’ type question and so the connector comma (,) changes to ‘if/whether’ instead of ‘that’. The pronoun ‘I’ changes to ‘he’.

So may I come in Sir? or may I come in ma'am? is an expression of permission as we are asking them for something and waiting for their approval. So nature of the sentence is permission, regardless of whom we are asking it from.


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