English, asked by mukeshsalam04, 2 months ago

2. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below: War is a cancer of mankind. As the cancer cells don't preserve themselves by destroying the body which they inhabit, so are the nations, they destroy the whole super structure of which they are parts. Consider cancer cells and non cancer cells in the human body. The normal cells are aimed at reproducing and functioning in a way that is beneficial to the body. Cancer cells, on the other hand, spread in a way that threatens and ultimately destroys the whole body. The aims of cancer cells is to spread throughout the body, to conquer all the normal cells destroy not only all rival cells, in their ruthless biological warfare, but also destroy the larger organization the body itself signing their own suicide warrant. The same is true of war, especially in the modern world. Nations being ignorant of the fact like cancer cells destroy not only its enemies but also the whole super structure of which it is a part and thus eventually they defeat themselves. Nations live in a state of anarchy, not in a state of law. And like cancer cells nations do not know that their ultimate self interest lies in preserving the health and harmony of the whole body i.e. community of man, for if that is mortally wounded then no nation and mankind will live in this conquest. Questions : (i) How has the author compared war?​


Answered by Anonymous


War - A cancer of Mankind


The author has rightly explained the hazardous effects of War.

There are no benefits of war but series of endless destructions.So many people loose their lives,family,jobs,money,property just because of World Politics and fake egos of politicians.

Here the author compares war to cancer in following ways:-

1)Author said that  the cancer cells and non cancer cells stay in our body.

2)Cancer cells threaten and destroy whole body.

Similary the war destroys a whole nation.In a war nobody is the winner but both loose

3)Just like the cancer cells which dont know that their self interest lies in preserving the health and harmony of whole body similarly the nations dont understand that they must leave their ego aside and think about the national development and growth of economy

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