English, asked by rajaniket4928, 1 month ago

2. Read the passage given below.

Mind management is a way to control one’s mind. To do this, we need to be
cautious about our thinking process and also need a high level of understanding
and meditation as well. Understanding is wisdom – 80 percent of people are
knowledgeable, while 20 per cent are wise. Knowledgeable men take sides

without reason. They feel sad seeing deprived people but jealous when they see

happy people. They work in the guidance of others’ inspiration; take unnecessary

responsibility to keep themselves disturbed.A wise person does not stand for or against any idea without concrete reason.

He works according to the situation and capacity. He looks at everything

intellectually. To him, failure is a stepping stone for future success. So

depression and conflict are not seen. Like the phrase ‘Stop, Look, Go’, first one

should see, and this needs patience. Meditation is necessary to control and

manage mind which then becomes an easy task.

Unless we control or manage our mind, it is difficult to achieve success and

peace. Psychologists say every interest is first born in the mind as a seed. Then

it continues to grow. Later it takes its real form which everybody can see. The

interest that first appears in the mind remains weak for the first three minutes

and it becomes strong within the next five minutes. All the negative aspects

should be deleted within the first three minutes. If not taken out, they would

become stronger later and you can never throw them out. After taking control

over the mind, we can control passion, interest and unrest. Mind management

is essential for a peaceful, successful and healthy life.

The age of computers has thrown us on the escalator of aspirations but has

robbed us of simple charms like falling asleep. The compulsions of hectic

schedules burden the mind and cause stress. However, the joys that elude us

can be regained by practicing power meditation. It creates tranquility, simplifies

life and cleanses the mind. It helps control indolence, ego and anger and builds

confidence and patience. With power meditation, negative thoughts get

dissipated and a sense of happiness is achieved. In simple terms a common man

changes to an exceptional man with the power of meditation.

On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY TEN of the

following questions. (1x10=10)

i. Mind management is essential …………………………

a. for a peaceful, successful, and a healthy life.

b. to remain fit.

c. for a wealthy life.

d. to dominate others.

ii. Traits exhibited by knowledgeable people are …………………………

a. they take sides without reason

b. they are sympathetic to the deprived people

c. they are jealous of happy people

d. All of the above

iii. According to the passage who takes sides without reason?

a. Wise men

b. Knowledgeable men

c. Common Man

d. Great Men

iv. Who considers failure as a stepping stone to future success?

a. Knowledgeable men

b. A Great Person

c. A Wise Person

d. None of these

v. Which of the following is true according to the passage?a. Psychologists say every interest is first born in the heart as a seed.

b. A wise person feels jealous sometimes.

c. The age of computers has robbed us of simple charms of life.

d. After taking control over the mind, we cannot control passion.

vi. What do Psychologists say about interest according to the passage?

a. Interest is the backbone of mediation.

b. Interest stays in our mind for three minutes.

c. Interest is first born in the mind as a seed.

d. Interest is essential for a healthy life.

vii. Find the word from the passage which means the same as “based on facts,

not on ideas” (Para 2)

a. Capacity

b. Concrete

c. Conflict

d. Control

viii. Which of the following is not an outcome of meditation?

a. Confidence

b. Patience

c. Negative thoughts

d. Tranquility

ix. Choose the option that correctly states the meaning of ‘stepping stone’, as

used in the passage.

a. Flat stepping stones crossed the stream.

b. This job is a stepping stone to better things.

c. Our movement in the marshes was helped by a few steeping stones.

d. Pine apple shaped stepping stones decorated her garden.

x. What is the reason for stress according to the passage?

a. Passion

b. Indolence

c. Hectic schedules

d. Ego

xi. Which of the following is similar in meaning to “Control” as used in the


a. Neglect

b. Command

c. Rule

d. Authority

xii. “If not taken out, they would become stronger later and you can never

throw them out.” What does the word “them” refer to?

a. Meditation

b. Confidence

c. Patience

c. Negative Emotions​


Answered by lakhempaemar75860


for a peaceful successful and healthy life

Answered by SharadSangha

The correct answers to the given questions are as follows:-

i. Mind management is essential …………………………

a. for a peaceful, successful, and healthy life.

(Meditation gives us mental calmness which helps us to have a peaceful lifestyle)

ii. Traits exhibited by knowledgeable people are …………………………

d. All of the above

(a knowledgeable person can take sides without any reason, feel sorrow for the underprivileged and jealousy towards successful people)

iii. According to the passage who takes sides without reason?

b. Knowledgeable men

(For knowledgeable people a reason is not important, they do not depend on evidence to be biased)

iv. Who considers failure as a stepping stone to future success?

c. A Wise Person

(a wise person looks at everything intellectually, he does not let sadness consume him when he fails, instead, he considers it as an opportunity to achieve success next time)  

v. Which of the following is true according to the passage?.

c. The age of computers has robbed us of the simple charms of life.

(With the advent of technology, simple activities such as peaceful sleep have become endangered)  

vi. What do Psychologists say about interest according to the passage?

c. Interest is first born in the mind as a seed.

(interest originates as a tiny seed in the mind which later takes time to cultivate and show its true form)  

vii. Find the word from the passage which means the same as “based on facts,  not on ideas” (Para 2)

b. Concrete

(rigid, or fixed)


viii. Which of the following is not an outcome of meditation?

c. Negative thoughts

(meditation provides peace and harmony to one's mind and helps them get rid of negative thoughts)  

ix. Choose the option that correctly states the meaning of ‘stepping stone’, as  used in the passage.

b. This job is a stepping stone to better things.

(failure is the stepping stone to success)


x. What is the reason for stress according to the passage?

c. Hectic schedules

(our hectic schedules put immense pressure on our mental wellbeing causing stress)  

xi. Which of the following is similar in meaning to “Control” as used in the


b. Command

(to take control of one's mind is to be able to command it in the right way)

xii. “If not taken out, they would become stronger later and you can never

throw them out.” What does the word “them” refer to?

c. Negative Emotions​

(the negative emotions should be thrown away from one's mind in order to prevent them form hampering the person's well being)

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