English, asked by shahidalishahid1, 1 year ago

2. Rewrite the following text using indirect form of narration:
i. Bertrand Russell wrote, “Men of science, at their best, have a special kind of impressiveness, resulting from the combination of great intellect with childlike sympathy.”
ii. He (Russell) explained that “when I say ‘simplicity,’ I do not mean anything involving lack of cleverness; I mean the habit of thinking impersonally, without regard for the worldly advantage or disadvantage of an opinion or an action.”
iii. “Among the men of science I have known, Einstein is a supreme example of this quality,” Russell added.
iv. AMERICAN: [Addressing nobody in particular] “The English are very humanitarian; they have a very high sense of duty. So have the Germans, so have the Americans.”
v. AMERICAN: [To the Dutch Youth] “I judge even in your little country they have that.”
vi. AMERICAN: [To the Little Man] “What is your nationality, sir?”
vii. LITTLE MAN: “I’m afraid I’m nothing particular. My father was half-English and half-American, and my mother half-German and half-Dutch.”


Answered by JackelineCasarez

Indirect speech


i) Bertrand Russell wrote that Men of science, at their best, have a special kind of impressiveness, resulting from the combination of great intellect with childlike sympathy.

ii) He explained that when he said 'simplicity', he did not mean anything involving lack of cleverness; he meant the habit of thinking impersonally, without regard for the worldly advantage or disadvantage of an opinion or an action.

iii) Russell added that among the men of science he had known, Einstein was a supreme example of that quality.

iv) American said that the English were very humanitarian; they had a very high sense of duty. So had the Germans, so had the Americans.

v) Americans told the Dutch youth that he judged even in his little country they had that.

vi) American asked the Little Man what his nationality was.

vii) Little Man said that he was afraid, he was nothing particular. His father was half-English and half-American, and his mother half-German, and half-Dutch.

Learn more: indirect speech


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