2) Role of water in mass wasting
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. Water plays vital role in mass wasting. It can increase the risk of mass wasting oreven decrease the risk of mass wasting depending on the amount of water. A smallamount of water can help to hold the soil particles together however, too much water canwork negatively causing it to slope down. Heavy rain fall and snowmelt sometimestriggers mass wasting. Water either helps to hold the material together or cause it to slidedownward to landslide. When water is filled in the sediment and the pores in the soil twothings happen. First, it reduces cohesion among the particles and allows them to slidemore easily. Second, water adds weight and makes the material to slide and flowdownslope. Excess water increases the mass of the material on the slope. The force ofgravity is in the proportion of the mass. So, greater the mass, greater is the pull of gravity
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first it reduces cohesion among the particles and allows them to slide more easily second water adds weight and makes the material to slide and flow down slope excess to slide and flow down slope excess water increases the mass of the material on the slope the force of gravity is in the proportion of the mass