Spin a yarn connecting the following phrases to develop your story:
Bob ..... live from hand to mouth..... as free as a bird..... on the spur of a moment..... money
to burn...... lose one's marbles..... happy..... big day.....
Consider using as many of these additional words as you can to enhance your story:
foliage, gale, prowl, misery, gallop, implore, disguise
Following is a story developed on your hints given,
Once there lived a man named Bob who wandered around his life from one place to another seeking jobs. He couldn't find much for himself and usually lived from hand to mouth. He didn't have any relatives which is why he felt as free as a bird. Nevertheless even making ends meet for himself was getting tough due to seasonal changes. He would be seen doing odd jobs. He would change his job and duties on the spur of a moment. One day he was hanging around his cottage when, nearby he heard someone calling out to him. He went outside to witness one of his best friends who had been out of town for the last few years. They sat and chatted away for a while after which his friend let him in on a secret. That secret was that his friend had gotten a lot of money by doing a robbery. Bob thought his friends must a have lost his marbles. His friend had a lot of money to burn which is why he gave some to Bob. He felt bad about doing so, but he needed the cash, so he took it. This felt like a big and happy day for Bob. He wouldn't have to live in misery anymore and could start up a new business.