Social Sciences, asked by kananharikumar2342, 5 months ago

2. State whether the following statements are true or false :

(1) The United Nations Charter starts with the preamble.

(2) The first time use of atom bombs was made by the USSR in 1945.

(3) The Nato was established with the encouragement of the USA to deter the spread of communism and the Soviet Union.

(4) The Soviet Union brought about the 'Berlin Blockade' in April, 1948.

(5) India signed the Treaty of peace, friendship and cooperation with China in 1971.

(6) After the second world war, cold war between Germany and Italy began.

(7) Cuban crisis is considered as the beginning of the end of the cold war.

(8) India has always advocated
disarmament. ​


Answered by jarvisikon


everything is wrong until the right answer comes in

so wait for iteverything is wrong until the right answer comes in

so wait for it


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