Biology, asked by sagar23894, 4 months ago

2. STNR is due to:
Passive extension of head increase flexor tone in leg and extensor tone in arm
Passive extension of head increase extension in leg and flexion at arm
Passive extension of head produces extension of leg and arm
Passive extension of head will not produce any change in extremities


Answered by Aayush11133

its little difficult but its really helpful for youu...



2.  Normal infants are born with numerous primitive reflexes because of the unrestrained influence of the “old brain” (deep gray matter), which contains the centers for such reflexes. These centers include the brainstem, cerebellum, mid brain and basal ganglia.  The “new brain” (cerebral cortical mantle) can be viewed as an inhibitory organ: during development, primitive reflexes are inhibited and integrated into more functional, postural and voluntary motor responses.  With cerebral insults, this cortical suppression /integration is released, and various deep gray matter responses (primitive reflexes) reappear.

3. Reflexes important to examine in the patient suspected of abnormal reflex activity include:  Flexor withdrawal  Traction  Grasp  Tonic neck  Tonic labyrinthine  Positive support and

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