English, asked by neelamajay2011, 10 months ago

You may have seen apes in a zoo. Most of the people identify apes with monkeys and
langurs. But they are different. Apes do not have tails while monkeys and langurs have
The apes, along with monkeys and men, belong to the primate order of placental
mammals. Mammals have a hairy body. They give birth to fully developed young ones.
They feed their young ones on the milk produced by mammary glands
of the females. Hence they are named as mammals.
Primate order of mammals differ from other
mammals like elephants, cows, deer, lions.
Primates have well developed eyesight often
with binocular vision and relatively large
brain. Primates live mainly on or among
the trees. They usually climb by
grasping. They have five digits on
each limb, nails commonly present
instead of claws, big toes and often
thumb well-developed. Primates
usually produce one young one at
a time. The youngs are cared for
by the mother. They often form
family groups of mother, father
and offsprings. Primates are mostly
gregarious in habit, moving about
in large troops, searching for food.​


Answered by Anushree3314


what we have to answer in this question !!!! plxx write the whole question dude!!!!

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