2. "The first clear expression of nationalism came
with the French Revolution in 1789." Explain
the meaning of nationalism and throw light on
the statement. U (Board Outside Delhi Term-11
Set-I, II, III, 2017)
— Nationalism is a feeling of people within a state territory, which make them develop a sense of collective identity.
— France, in 1789, was under the rule of the monarchy.
After the French Revolution, there was a transfer of power from the monarchy to the citizens.
- Measures taken by the French Revolutionaries to create a sense of collective identity
— The idea of “LA Patrie” and “LA Citoyen” were emphasized upon.
— There was a notion of a united community, with equal rights under a constitution.
— The Estate General was renamed National Assembly.
— The French Tricolor replaces the Former Royal Standard.
— A centralized administration formulated uniform laws for all.
— Oaths were taken, martyrs were commemorated and hymns were composed.
— Internal taxes and custom duties were abolished.
— An uniform system of weights and measures were put in place.
— Regional dialects were discouraged and French was endorsed.
— Revolutionaries declared that it was their mission to liberate Europe.