2. The following series gives the weekly wages. The mean wages are rupees 50.75. find
out the missing value.
Weekly Wages 40-43 43-46 46–49 49–52 5 9
Frequency 3 6
in (Ans. f = 36)
Plz solve this question...on a paper in gud handwriting...thnq so much...#stay safe# @stay home@

The missing value is 36.
Step-by-step explanation:
We are given the mean wages of following data series of weekly wages;
Weekly wages Frequency (F) X
40 - 43 3 41.5 124.5
43 - 46 6 44.5 267
46 - 49 9 47.5 427.5
49 - 52 13 50.5 656.5
52 - 55 f 53.5
Total 31 + f 1475.5 +
Now, the mean of the frequency distribution is given by the following formula;
Mean, =
₹ 50.75 =
f = 35.55 ≈ 36
Hence, the missing value is 36.
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