The term 'Ecology' was used by whom in first time?
पहली बार 'इकोलॉजी' शब्द का प्रयोग किसने किया था?
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The term 'Ecology' was used by German zoologist Ernst Haeckel for the first time.
The term 'Ecology', coined first in 1866, derives its roots from the Greek term of 'Oikos Logos' meaning 'study of the house'.
Haeckel believed that the subject should cover the the study of animal behaviour in relation to:
- the physical environment and;
- its interaction with other plants and animals.
The subject has since evolved a lot than its initial definition.
I hope that answers your question.
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It was in 1866 that the term ecology was used for the first time by Ernst Haeckel.
- The term stems from the Greek language and was used for the first time in 1866.
- Oekologie was the initial Greek term used by scientist Haeckel and it depicted science of dwelling of animals and plants.
- After the term gained prominence it was then translated to English and “ecology” was introduced.
- Today the term is used ubiquitously in the biological and environmental sciences.
Learn more about Ecology:
What is Ecology? Explain
Explain the importance of code of ecology
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