2. We cannot hide a layer in Flash We can work on a locked layer.
Part 1 of this book gets you started launching Flash, creating your own drawings, and transforming them into moving animations. Most animation work, though, takes place after you’ve got all the frames and layers in place. Like a film director slaving away in the cutting room, as an animator you spend most of your time testing, editing, and retesting your movie.
This chapter is your crash course in Flash animation editing. Here you’ll see how to reorganize your animation horizontally (over time) by cutting, pasting, and rearranging frames on the Timeline. You’ll also see how to reorganize your animation vertically by shuffling and restacking the layers you’ve added to it.
Working with Frames
When you create an animation, you build it from frames and keyframes. Editing your document is a simple matter of moving, cutting, and pasting those frames until they look good and work well. You can perform these operations on individual frames or on multiple frames by combining them into groups, as you’ll see at the end of this section.