Biology, asked by tumuayyappa999, 10 months ago

2) What are antibodies? When do they develop? How do they help us?​


Answered by llxdevilgirlxll

{ \ Answer}


Antibody is any of a large variety of proteins produced by the body's immune system in response to a foreign substance i.e antigen.

Our bodies fight off an infection by producing antibodies. An antibody reacts specifically with the antigen that triggered its formation and its function is to inactivate the antigen.

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Answered by sicksu101


Antibodies are Y-shaped protein responsible for neutralizing pathogens like bacteria, viruses, pollens, etc. Eg: IgA, IgE, etc. They may develop at birth or may be passed by external medium, like IgA through colostrum in breast milk. They are produced by B-lymphocytes in our blood in response to pathogenic activity. As these are found in blood, they are also referred to as humoral immune response.


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