English, asked by lonenaveed333, 1 year ago

2.What are different parts of notice



Answered by pp6609034


Format for Notice writing

Date of issue/release of the notice. Title/Subject of the Event (what?) BODY-Date/time/duration/Place/Venue (when and where?) Authorized signatory: Name and signature (contact details)

Answered by umarmir15


Notice writing is a formal means of communication. The purpose of notice writing is to bring to notice a certain piece of information to a group of people. They are generally pinned in any common area where the concerned people can read them. It is one of the common methods of communication.


When students are writing a notice, the following components should be present in the notice:

Name of the Notice Issuing Organisation (Agency or School).

Subject and Date of Issue of the Notice

Title or Subject of Notice

Body of the Notice (must include date/time/duration)

Authorisation Signature: Name and Signature

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