2. What are the different ways by which plants reproduce
3. What are spores? Name two plants that reproduce through
4. Differentiate between monocot seeds and dicot seeds
5 Name three things that a seed requires to germinate
6. What are crops? Name the two kinds of crop.
. Long answer questions.
1. What do you understand by disperal of seeds? Describe the differen
2. Explain the process of germination with the help of a diagram
3. Differentiate between rabi crops and kharif crops.
4. Describe the structure of a bean seed with the help of a diagr
5. How do plants reproduce through stems and leaves?
Q2.Ans-plants reproduce by budding,fragmentation,fission,spore formation and vegetative propagation
Q3.Ans-Spore, a reproductive cell capable of developing into a new individual without fusion with another reproductive cell.
Q4.Ans-a)monocot contains a single cotyledon in its embryo whereas dicot contains two cotyledons in its embryo.
b)Monocot stems are scattered while dicots are in the form of a ring.
c)daisies, mint, lettuce, tomato and oak are examples of dicots. ginger, onions, bamboo, sugar, cone, palm tree, banana tree are examples of plants that are monocots.
Q5. Ans-Oxygen,sunlight and water
Q6.Ans-A crop is a plant that can be grown and harvested extensively for profit or subsistence.
The two kinds of crops are kharif crops and Rabi crops