2. What are the implications of heavy financing in sports?
Cited by 53 — numbers that are as large as possible in order to justify heavy public subsidies.” Sports leagues frequently utilize rosy economic impact statements and
Some contend that holding international sporting events might be advantageous for nations. The holding of sporting events might ensure the entry of foreign capital, create jobs, and encourage consumer spending.
Sports activities play a bigger and bigger part in modern communities. Academic study is progressively looking at issues like sports business, economic impacts, human social capital, and sports funding.
Four significant organisations have made contributions to the sport's funding:
- The government, whose funding is crucial and is mostly provided through sports ministries.
- The National Olympic Committee is home to a sports movement that unites volunteers, graduates, and sports associations connected to sports federations.
- Local government units, particularly intercommunities and municipalities.
- Private businesses that serve as employers, advertising, or make investments.
According to research, the existence of a professional sports club has boosted the local economy in a number of ways, including the creation of new employment, more consumer spending, higher sales in certain market groups, and higher tax receipts.