English, asked by nidhimalhan83, 5 months ago

2. What did the poet do to find out who was at the door?
she Jumped out of the window
5. Could the poet at the end find out the cause of the knock
B. Answer briefly.
1. Who in your opinion has written this poem?
3. What did the poet find on opening the door?
4. Which creatures could be heard?​


Answered by nath12849


2) He jumped out of the window!

5)'Is there anybody there? ' said the Traveller, Knocking on the moonlit door; And his horse in the silence champed the grasses Of the forest's ferny floor: And a bird flew up out of the turret, Above the Traveller's head And he smote upon the door again a second time; 'Is there anybody there? ' he said.

2)I think your poem has a lovely old fashioned charm about it. reflecting on the nature of love, its need for freedom and addressing the beloved- all give it Elizabethan feel. This is sort of reverie broken by , of all the things aptly, by the sting of honey bee, a sort of messenger of love. whether this is deliberate or not I am not sure.

I really liked your poem. Reading it aloud was a pleasure

Take Shriram'S advice and allow it to" marinate" for a while.

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