2. What do the pieces in chess represent?
If you do not protect your king, you lose the game. The next time you set up your chessboard and get ready to play a friendly game or two, think of chess as a history lesson. The pieces on the board represent a way of life that is no more, and the real life dramas that occurred in medieval times are now only a game.
Each side starts with 16 pieces: eight pawns, two bishops, two knights, two rooks, one queen, and one king.
Bishops: Bishops can move any number of squares diagonally.
Knights: Knights can move only in an L-shape, one square up and two over, or two squares over and one down, or any such combination of one-two or two-one movements in any direction.
Rooks: Rooks can move any number of squares, up and down and side to side.