Computer Science, asked by jatindersingh985500, 9 months ago

What do you mean by Program Window Control buttons?
Which tab is used to manage file information and save, share, print,
protect and work?
How can we enter text in MS Word 2010 document?


Answered by malindagayatri4

Module 1:-Windows 10is an operating system, a type of program that runs your computer and letsyou interact with it.-A programis a set of instructions written for a computer.-Windows 10 reserves a special area called aMicrosoft accountwhere each user can keephis or her files. In addition, a Microsoft account lets you use various devices and servicessuch as a Windows Phone or in, or select your Microsoft account name and enter a password, also calledloggingin.-Password:a special sequence of numbers and letters-On a desktop computer, thepower buttonis probably on the front panel. On a laptopcomputer, it’s likely at the top of the keys on your keyboard.-Passwords arecase sensitive, which means that if you type any letter using capital letterswhen lowercase letters are needed, or vice versa, Windows will not let you use youraccount.-A gestureis an action you take with your fingertip directly on the screen, such as tappingor swiping.-TheWindows 10 desktopis an electronic work area that lets you organize and manageyour information, much like your own physical desktop.-User interface (UI): A collective term for all the ways you interact with a softwareprogram-TheWindows 10 user interfaceis called the Windows 10 UI.

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