2.What is the difference between pivotal joint and hinge joint ?
Hinge Joint. ... Like a door hinge, a hinge joint allows backward and forward movement. The pivot joint only allows rotating movement. An example of a pivot joint is the joint between the radius and ulna that allows you to turn the palm of your hand up and down.
No. Pivot joints Hinge joints
1. Pivotal joint is defined as a joint where a cylindrical bone rotates in a ring. Hinge joint is defined as a joint where the ends of bones meet.
2. Pivot joints found in radius, ulna and neck. Hinge joints found in ankles, Elbows and knees.
3. Pivot joint can rotate on a 2nd, arch shaped bone. Hinge joint can move in one direction or plane.
4. Pivot joint allows the head to rotate and can move upward and downward. Hinge joints can move up as well as down. Also to forward and backward like door hinges.
5. Pivot joints are Monaxial and can rotate around single axis. Hinge joints are monaxial.
6. Pivot joints are cylindrical bony process which rotates within circle of bone and ligament. Hinge joints are convex cylinder in a bone which corresponds concavity in the other.
7. Examples of pivot joints are ankle, elbow and interphalangeal. Examples of hinge joints are distal radioulnar, atlas or atlantoaxial, articulation between dens of axis and proximal radioulnar
both joint answers are in this difference
pivotal joint
1. pivotal joint is defined as a joint where a cylindrical bone rotates in a ring.
2. pivotal joint found in radius, ulna and neck.
3. pivotal joint can rotate on a second arch sharper bone.
hinge joint
1. hinge joint is defined as a joint where the ends of bone meet.
2. hinge joint found in ankles, elbows and kness.
3. hinge joint can move in one direction or plane.