Biology, asked by sahirasrii1466, 11 months ago

2. What type of reproduction takes place in plasmodium ?3. Define vegetative propagation.4. Where is DNA present in a cell ?5. Name the glands associated with male reproductive system.6. What is menstruation ?


Answered by DNeeharika

Asexual reproduction takes place in paslmodium via multiple binary fission in which a single parent cell give birth to many tamets or daughter cells. 

@ vegetative propagation iskind of reproduction in which new plantis grown from vegetative part (all part of plant other than flower becauseit is a reproductivepart.)of the plant.

@ DNA present inside the nucleus of the is known as chromosomal DNA. it is also present in Mitrochrondria cell.

@Prostate gland & seminal vesicles are the accessory glands of male reproductive system. They secrete fluid known as semen which contains sperms. This fluid makes transport of sperms easier and also provides nutrition to sperms.

@The ovary releases one egg every month. The uterus also prepares itself every month to receive a fertilized egg. The inner uterus lining (endometrium) becomes thick and is supplied with blood to nourish the embryo. If the egg is not fertilized, then the uterus lining is not required. Hence, it breaks down and is released in the form of blood and mucus through the vagina. This process lasts for 2-8 days. This cycle occurs every month and is known as menstruation. Hence, the menstrual cycle is the reproductive cycle in the female body. It begins with the onset of puberty.

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