English, asked by wadepavan6, 3 months ago

2. What was Walt for different people?​


Answered by subhadipkoner8


What did Walt Disney do that made a difference in the life of others?

In my opinion, the only thing that Disney did, if anything, is to provide entertainment for people, and in turn, employees. I do not remember reading about Walt Disney providing for a nation like Africa, working in the soup kitchens in the United States. I do not remember him going to war, in fact, I think his brother took his place. do not quote me on that one. He did provide propaganda material during world war II. Disney’s characters are for entertainment purposes only,

I’m going to go in a different direction from the other answers to this question, and say that what Disney did to make a difference in the life of others was firmly believe that a talented person was able to do anything and rise to any occasion.

What most people don’t realize about Walt Disney is that during the creation of Disneyland he took his favorite animators and drew them into every aspect of the creation of this new type of theme park. The buildings were designed by animators whom Walt sent to architecture school for a crash course in architecture. The rides were designed by animators who spent a few months learning about ride engineering. Even the iconic songs from some of the biggest rides at Disneyland were written by animators who wanted to learn music, just so they could write those songs.

During his day, Walt Disney believed that a talented, creative person with the right motivation, could accomplish miracles. This belief set the tone for the launch of his theme parks and for much of the entertainment that he and his employees produced. Since then, the succeeding Disney company has capitalized upon and done their best to move along in this vein, albeit without the sense of adventure and verve that Walt brought to his projects.

Answered by abhinavbhatt1903925i


you are saying walt or volt

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