Where are the kidneys situated?
How is urine formed?
The kidneys lie retroperitoneally (behind the peritoneum) in the abdomen, either side of the vertebral column. They typically extend from T12 to L3, although the right kidney is often situated slightly lower due to the presence of the liver. Each kidney is approximately three vertebrae in length.
The nephrons of the kidneys process blood and create urine through a process of filtration, reabsorption, and secretion. Urine is about 95% water and 5% waste products. Nitrogenous wastes excreted in urine include urea, creatinine, ammonia, and uric acid.
2. Kidneys are situated in the lower part of the abdomen one on either side of the backbone
3. Urine is formed by two processes
I) Glomerular filtration- The blood containing metabolic waste is filtered out in the glomerulus and the Bowman's capsule .The filtrate is called Glomerular filtrate & contains glucose,amino acids,fats,water
II) Tubular re-absorption & secretion- The useful substances like water are then re-absorbed by the renal cappilaries .And then the waste products.are actively secreted into the urinary bladder.