English, asked by rina1987patna, 9 months ago

2. Which lines in para 4 and para 6 tell us that Claribel had adjusted well to space?​


Answered by sonuchauhan8810


helo guys its your answer


The narrator is one such resident on a space station and ... Answer 1: Claribel was a small yellow canary and ... Question 6: Why is the canary our 'Feathered Friend'?

Answered by luckybinnu2


‘she was not worried, as most animals would have been, by the absence of gravity’. ‘she did a kind of backward loop I am sure no earthbound

canary would have ever managed.’


Answer : Claribel was well adjusted to the conditions of space as the author narrates in para4 by

saying that ‘she was not worried, as most animals would have been, by the absence of gravity’. In

para 6 the author says that she had understood how to use her advantages in the absence of

gravitational pull and fly around with minimal effort.. He says, ‘hanging in the air as motionless as a

humming bird and with much less effort… ‘she did a kind of backward loop I am sure no earthbound

canary would have ever managed.’

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