Science, asked by jayganeshdinesh02356, 4 months ago

2. Which of the following is not a type of cloud?

i. Cumulus ii. Cirrus iii. Sleet iv. Status

3. The media promotes _______ in public life.

a) Enlightenment b) democracy c) accountability d) opinion

4. Which of the following is not a periodic wind?

a. Land breeze b. Sea breeze c. Loo d. Monsoon

5. The two new customs introduced in the court during Akbar’s reign were

a. sijdah and paibos b. Kurnish and taslim

c. sijdah and kurnish d. paibos and taslim
please give every single questions answer​


Answered by aryansaini8490


1) sleet

2) opinion

3) loo

4) b

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