2 white down the differences and similarities beleeen
Bhaia badghat and Guthi
These three systems control the socio - economic conditions in their corresponding communities.
Guthi is a social organisation.
Badghar maily deals with customs and traditional rituals.
Bheja system targets social target and achievements.
Guthi system was adopted by Newar community. Bheja is the custom was adopted by Magar community and Badghar is the custom adopted by Tharu community.
Guthi system was adopted by Newar community. Bheja is the custom was adopted by Magar community and Badghar is the custom adopted by Tharu community.These three systems control the socio - economic conditions in their corresponding communities.
Guthi system was adopted by Newar community. Bheja is the custom was adopted by Magar community and Badghar is the custom adopted by Tharu community.These three systems control the socio - economic conditions in their corresponding communities.Guthi is a social organisation.
Guthi system was adopted by Newar community. Bheja is the custom was adopted by Magar community and Badghar is the custom adopted by Tharu community.These three systems control the socio - economic conditions in their corresponding communities.Guthi is a social organisation.Badghar maily deals with customs and traditional rituals.
Guthi system was adopted by Newar community. Bheja is the custom was adopted by Magar community and Badghar is the custom adopted by Tharu community.These three systems control the socio - economic conditions in their corresponding communities.Guthi is a social organisation.Badghar maily deals with customs and traditional rituals.Bheja system targets social target and achievements.